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Most Indian employees want to work in these companies

Most Indian employees want to work in these companies

The JobBuzz Workplace Index for December 2017 identifies consumer durables as the best sector to work for in India. This sector has been rated as best sector for three consecutive months in a row at the JobBuzz index.

December , 2017: Over the jobbuzzpast few months, the consumer durables sector has grabbed headlines with growing awareness, easier access, and changing lifestyles driving the growth of the sector.

The consumer durables sector is stated as one of the key employment generators in India. It is said that for one direct job in the industry, three more indirect jobs are created alongside simultaneously. With such huge workforce base, it is not easy to keep everyone happy. However, the consumer durables sector has been able to achieved this feat by being ranked as the best sector to work in India by majority of employees, continuously for the past three months.The JobBuzz Workplace Index for December 2017 also identifies consumer durables as the best pay master.

This month, automobiles sector ranked second on the workplace index. The consumer durables and FMCG sector were highly rated for their workplace culture.

Automobiles and infrastructure sector were rated at par for the career growth opportunities they offer. IT sector was applauded for its ‘workplace culture’ but ranked last basis its overall index value, in Nov-Dec 2017.

“Rising disposable incomes, changes in customer preferences is creating business opportunities thus pushing the talent demand in the consumer durables sector. With large number of people of joining the sector every month, the consumer durables sector, to its credit, has been able to match-up to the expectations of its workforce. It is indeed a benchmark for other sectors to take clue and create policies to build a happy and engaged workforce,” said Sanjay Goyal, Head of Product, Technology & Marketing, TimesJobs & JobBuzz.


 About JobBuzz Workplace Index:

The JobBuzz Workplace Index is a compilation of employee ratings from across a selection of companies varying in size, geography and industry on various critical workplace parameters. The index value has been kept at 100. The percentages are an indicator of ratings being provided by the employees on JobBuzz for their respective companies. These percentages are an indicator of happiness quotient of employees.

About JobBuzz:

JobBuzz is an information exchange platform for candidates and employers in form of reviews, ratings and company insights. JB is an open platform where they interact to influence each other.

For further information, please contact:-

Neha Singh Verma

Head of Corporate Communications

TimesJobs-Times Business Solutions Limited (A division of Times Internet Ltd)


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