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“National Quantum Mission Could Be Y2K20 Moment For India”- Analyst

New Delhi- Today Govt. of India approved Rs. 6003 Crore (around 800 Million in USD) for setting up National Quantum Mission with main objective to spur R&D, and innovation in emerging Quantum Computing and Quantum Technology areas. Now Tech. Analyst ‘ 5 Jewels Research ’ (5JR)  believes that this  National Quantum Mission Could Be Y2K20 Moment For India.

Sharing his analyst perspective on today’s decision of Indian Cabinet under chairmanship of PM Modi to approve The National Quantum Mission (NQM), Chief Analyst of 5 Jewels Research (5JR) Mr Sumant Parimal said  “It is good to see that Govt. of India has approved release of a substantial amount of Rs. 6003 Crore for launching and supporting India’s own National Quantum Mission, which was first envisioned under year 2020 budget of central Govt. This amount is going to spur new R&Ds and innovations in areas of Quantum Technology and Quantum Computing, where World’s major economies are trying to establish their early leadership. We at ‘5JR’ believe that, like Y2K created great opportunities for nascent Indian IT industry in late 1990s, mostly from international markets like US, Europe, this transition from Digital/Classical to Quantum Technologies could create large domestic as well as international opportunities for Indian Tech. industry, estimated to be 20 times bigger than what Y2K offered to then entire Tech. industry. Hence, we are referring it as Y2K20 Moment for India”.

“It is heartening to note that in today’s announcement from Govt. of India, a structured National Mission Directorate has been envisioned under DST (Deptt. Of Science and Technology), and the mission is likely to be headed by an entrepreneur, with a vision to take this R&D mission towards large scale quantum technology commercialization and utilization in industries and institutions for substantial value add in national economy over the years. With establishment of this National Mission on Quantum Tech., Indian industry would also like to see a holistic roadmap of classical to quantum integration and migration in public as well in private sectors with clear milestones and deliverables, transparent standards and protocols, with objectives of not only growing India’s revenue from domestic technology transitions, but also from  large scale classical to quantum transition opportunities emerging in international markets” Mr Sumant Parimal said further.

However ‘5JR’ believes that a target of building 50 Qubits Indian Quantum Computer in next three years kept under this mission is a conservative one, as IBM has already made a 433 Qubits quantum computer last year, and Google already made 53 Qubits quantum computer in 2019 itself. Further ‘5JR’ analyst believes that India should also evolve various use cases across Quantum Computing and Quantum Tech. deployments in various other missions of Govt. of India, like Gati Shakti, Smart City, Ayushman Bharat, Jan Dhan Yojna, UPI/Aadhar, Data Centers, Secure Communication, and many other Govt. and private sector programs and activities to spur growth in demand side of the industry. So as per ‘5JR’ analyst expectations, this National Quantum Mission should spur innovations and growth in both demand side and supply side of this emerging High-Tech. industry, which is strategic for the country.

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