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The Growing Need for HR Transformation

The Growing Need for HR Transformation

ITN Bureau : Call it ‘Talent Acquisition’ or ‘Acquiring Skilled Professionals’ or simply ‘Hiring’- in any manner this is a complex yet one of the most important procedures that every company, no matter the size and field, has to carry out.  It is no secret to any entrepreneur of any level that that the organization’s workforce is its most important asset. In fact, some may say that the future of the company depends on the dedication level of its human resource. The Human Resource Team and Human Resource Management is an integral part of every successful or struggling company. We can go on to say that the survival of a company depends on it.

With the changing times, the rise in the importance of ‘work culture’ and with the evolving technology and its direct impact on every office – human resource and technology have to find a link. The world is now online. The personnel are therefore online too. It’s time to welcome technology that aids the daily functions of its employees, right from recruitment to payroll to attendance to tracking performance and to appraisals. If the economy is turning digital, it is essential that HR turns digital too. Can HR go digital though? Yes, it can. With the right technology and software support systems, HR can not only become digitized but also reduce the risk of manual errors such as errors of omission and duplication to name a few.

Formal communication in most companies is done through e-mail which as a technological development has now become the blood line of every firm. These days’ people look for employment online. On digital platforms there are a plethora of HR related sites that already exist. One of the most popular is LinkedIn – which was made so that interaction between professionals could become easier. It sticks to its agenda of being a social media website, but keeps its standards absolutely professional. It is employment –oriented and one of the best places to look for a perfect fit for your company. The veils are being lifted too. If a company’s HR policy is not up to mark, they are being publicly reprimanded. is one of the finest examples of this. Feedbacks from the employees are being taken seriously. The company has to shoulder with the employees instead of having a perpetual upper hand on them.

Above all, the requirement of digitized HR services arises because of the global reach of companies. The geographical constraints and the need to keep a tab on the employees through various branches can be simplified. Networking also becomes easier and hassle free. The HR can initiate an easier two way communication with the employees of the firm where their ideas, comments or grievances can also be heard. The alignment of the company goals and the personal goals of the employees is crucial. It is to ensure that both are moving in the same and right direction.

Today’s workplace witnesses abundance and variety of technological instruments. The amount of time spent on devices has increased. Therefore communicating through technology has become easier and more relevant than before. HR communication, if done digitally, can be done timely, smoothly and it can have a better impact

Energy is infectious. If a good vibe is generated in the work atmosphere daily, it cultivates a better working environment. This can be done with a more mindful HR team and policies. The loyalty of the employee will remain with the company if their needs are taken care of. The labor turnover rates will reduce and the company can thus, prosper.

By : Akriti Seth

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