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Barracuda highlights evolving phishing techniques to look out for in 2025

Barracuda Networks has published its predictions for how phishing techniques will evolve in 2025. The predictions are based on innovations in phishing techniques observed in 2024 by Barracuda’s India-based threat analysis team. They show how phishing remains a dangerous and adaptable threat to businesses in India and the growing importance of robust and multilayered cybersecurity strategies.

According to the threat analysts, credential theft will remain the primary goal of phishing scams over the coming year, with around 50% of such attacks relying on Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) kits, up from 30% in 2024. These advanced kits are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Some can steal multifactor authentication (MFA) codes, which presents a challenge to security teams trying to strengthen access and identity policies.

In terms of malicious email content, phishing attackers are expected to make more use of artificial intelligence (AI) to create highly personalized and targeted phishing campaigns, analyzing social media and communication histories to craft emotionally manipulative and convincing messages that are likely to have a higher rate of success in convincing victims to respond.

In terms of technology, attackers are expected to make greater use of innovative evasion techniques including text-based QR codes, specially crafted URL links, and moving phishing content from email bodies to attachments such as PDFs. These methods are designed to bypass traditional security measures, making detection increasingly challenging.

Ashok Sakthivel, Director of Software Engineering at Barracuda Networks, said “Phishing remains a powerful cyberthreat. It is often used by attackers as a reconnaissance tool, providing valuable insights while offering a high likelihood of success. Our reports during 2024 show how phishing attacks are becoming more varied, opportunistic, and sophisticated. It is essential to have agile, innovative, multi-layered defence strategies and cyber resilient incident response, and to foster a strong security culture to stay ahead of this ever-evolving threat.”

The predictions are based on Barracuda’s extensive threat detection data and analysis throughout 2024 and represent a forward-looking view of emerging phishing challenges.

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