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Indian Ministry of Tourism releases FICCI – MRSS White Paper at Global MICE 2016


MRSSIndia Logo_ 300 resolutionNThe Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) co-organized the first edition of the Global MICE Travel Mart 2016 (GMTM), the only branded EXCLUSIVE MICE Inbound Tourism platform in India at The Lalit, New Delhi on May 19-21, 2016. The three day event was inaugurated by Mr. Suman Billa, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India & Chairman, ICPB and the keynote was addressed by Mr. Chander Mansharamani, Vice Chairman – India Convention Promotion Bureau (ICPB) and Managing Director – Alpcord Network Travel & conferences Management Company. Other key dignitaries present at the inauguration were Mr. Rahul Chakravarty, Director and Head- Tourism FICCI, Dr. Jyotsna Suri, Immediate Past President – FICCI, Chairperson – FICCI Tourism Committee and Chairperson & Managing Director – The Lalit Suri Hospitality Group and Dr. A Didar Singh, Secretary General, FICCI. The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry also released a White Paper, “INDIA INBOUND MICE TOURISM, trends and opportunities 2016” in association with knowledge partner MRSS INDIA Ltd., a strategic market research firm.

The research paper launched at the three day conference showcases India’s relative position in the Inbound MICE map of the world and also focuses on the initiatives taken up by the Central and State Governments across the country to encash this high growth, high potential growth engine.

India already has a host of locations which are well acclaimed MICE destinations. The physical and peripheral infrastructure has already geared up or is in the final stage of completion. A few more destinations have also been conceived off, represents the report. Looking at this potential, Ministry of Tourism has established the India Convention Promotion Bureau (ICPB) under its’ aegis along with well-known industry experts. This is aimed in promoting India as a destination for MICE Tourism. The Bureau participates in travel conferences and also organizes roadshows both at domestic as well as international locations to formalize the concept.

As a knowledge partner Mr. Raj Sharma, Chairman, MRSS India Ltd. said, “As a knowledge partner, It was a great platform offered by FICCI having International buyers and Indian sellers under one roof discussing MICE opportunities and challenges. As a market research company a, we do a lot of research in tourism space in India and Internationally. India is one nation which is yet to tap the potential of huge MICE businesses. INDIA INBOUND MICE TOURISM, White Paper by FICCI and MRSS India not only provides data and analyses but also has offered five point suggestions to the MICE industry to be positively impacted ”

Global MICE Travel Mart 2016 was concluded successfully with participation from MICE specialists from across the globe and Tour Operators, Hotels, Airlines, National level Associations and State Governments promoting MICE Tourism to India. This format offered structured B2B prescheduled meetings and networking opportunities to international buyers and India sellers to connect strategically.

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