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WhatsApp based ticketing system now available for metro commuters across Nagpur

WhatsApp, ticketing system

Making transit easier for commuters in Nagpur, WhatsApp today introduced a WhatsApp-based QR ticketing service for metro commuters across the city. This ticketing system enables commuters to book and purchase metro tickets seamlessly from anywhere, all within the WhatsApp chatbot.

Available in four languages, English, Hindi, Marathi and Telugu, commuters can access this service on WhatsApp by sending ‘Hi’ to +91 8624888568 or by scanning the QR code.

The chatbot allows commuters traveling on Nagpur Metro routes to book tickets, receive updates, and access essential travel information right at their fingertips. For riders commuting frequently on the same route, the chatbot will offer a Quick purchase feature, further reducing the time spent selecting the destination and starting point in the chatbot.

Through the WhatsApp-based ticketing system, a rider per transaction can directly purchase up to six single journey tickets or group tickets for up to 40 commuters using their preferred payment options (UPI, Debit, Credit Cards, etc.) within the chat window.

Ravi Garg, Director, Business Messaging, Meta in India, said, “The introduction of the QR ticketing service through WhatsApp on Nagpur Metro will enhance the customer experience, offering a more sophisticated and intelligent approach to local travel for millions of riders across the city of Nagpur. With this partnership, we have taken another step in simplifying the transit experience for people across the country, enabling them to get things done right within their WhatsApp chat.

Over the last few months, various state transport services have integrated WhatsApp, enabling a simplified and convenient transit experience for commuters. With this integration, Nagpur Metro is the sixth metro service after Bengaluru, Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Pune to offer booking and purchasing tickets right within their WhatsApp chat.

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